Breathing Room – Creating Space Between You and Your Pain

I have been writing "morning pages" everyday for the past three weeks. This act has been so loving, comforting, and illuminating. When I was young, I used to write furiously in my journal almost every day. It was mostly complaining and general angst. I didn't glean any insights from it at the time, it was … Continue reading Breathing Room – Creating Space Between You and Your Pain

Love is….a whole lot of uninhibited, gushing out laughter

"we stretched out side by side on the bed and began. By pretending, of course. Forced laughter. Laughable laughter. Laughter so laughable that it made us laugh. Then it came, real laughter, total laughter, taking us into its immense tide. Bursts of repeated, rushing, unleashed laughter, magnificent laughter, sumptuous and mad...And we laugh our laughter … Continue reading Love is….a whole lot of uninhibited, gushing out laughter

The Art of Breathing, among other stress relievers

I'm usually quite open to admit that i live with anxiety. It's a state where my mind races with a vast number of different thoughts and worries, never resting. Sometimes this can be positive and energizing, producing new ideas and multiple new ways of viewing things. A lot of the time though, it leaves me … Continue reading The Art of Breathing, among other stress relievers